Wednesday, December 2, 2020



Every once in a while, I like to reflect on what a blessing it was to visit my grandpa and grandma on summer vacations when I was in grade school.  Remembering all the fun things we did was such a delight and did good for my heart. I hope we all have some of those good times we remember from when we were little. Recalling them brings a sweetness to our souls.


Psalm 11:4 says: “He hath made his wonderful works to be remembered: The Lord is gracious and full of compassion.” God’s love and compassion is shown to us by a variety of His works: through wonderful loving people, through animals, through sunrises and sunsets, through many aspects of the natural world He created.


When we open our eyes and our hearts to Him, there are many amazing and wonderful works He’s already done for us, things that we can get pleasure from if we will remember.


Psalm 77:11 says: “I will remember the works of the Lord: surely I will remember thy wonders of old.”


In the Bible, God told people to write things as a way to help them remember. I find that writing things down helps me to flesh out a memory. It helps me to see more of the details of what makes the memory so good. So I did this with visits to my grandparents, and I’ll share it as an example of something you might want to do sometimes, or have your kids do.


“Some of my best memories are of gramma and grandpa’s house in Bakersfield, California. Many summer nights were spent sitting restfully under the grapefruit tree, while the blue neon-winged Junebugs buzzed as they hit and clung to the screen door on the porch. That grapefruit tree was huge and widespread, giving shade to all of us (sometimes seven people, sometimes 16), seated comfortably on bouncing green metal chairs. It was delightful, about 70 degrees I imagine, just perfect.


The fence around the property was thin twisted metal wire, somewhat protective, decorative, and a nice complement to the freshly cut green grass. I loved that house. Everything was intriguing to me at eight years old, and especially my grandpa’s small round trailer, parked under the slatted wooden shelter. My sister and I would make mud pies and entertain ourselves at the tiny kitchen table in the trailer. There was a drinking fountain outside the trailer that shot way over the basin and onto the brick patio. Half the fun was trying to control the water and retrieve it to use for our mud pies.


The grapevine trellis: I don’t remember eating the grapes, but it provided a wonderfully cool resting spot for Midnight, the cat when he wanted to watch grandma and me hanging laundry out on the line. Midnight and I had a special connection of love, unspoken. I loved climbing into the apricot, fig, and orange trees they had in the back yard. My grandma had an orange juice squeezer made of porcelain, just big enough to put half an orange on and twist until the small gutter was full of fresh orange juice. I don’t know if I’ve tasted juice that good in over 50 years, but I’d know it’s distinctive bite if I did, for sure.


The fern on the front porch was spectacular: delicate and dangerous! Who could fathom such a conundrum? A soft feathery fern, with very sharp thorns on the long stems. But it was grandma and grandpa’s house after all: mysteries at every corner. I loved it, always an adventure. We’d take trips to the desert to dig up shark’s teeth from long ago, and my grandma would pick up interesting rocks and sticks that looked like birds or animals or other familiar things she thought they looked like.


We had all kinds of adventures but one of my favorite’s was Sunday school. I loved the stories of Jesus and I especially like the crafts we did to re-emphasize the story and make them stick in my eight-year-old mind. My grandma was the teacher and I remember the small wooden chairs with metal arms as we sat around a big rectangular maple-colored table, me being enthralled by the Bible stories. Then when I got to sit next to my grandma at the adult church, I sang very quietly so I could listen to her. She had the most beautiful voice. I thought she must sound like an angel.”


Those of you who have children or grandkids, I urge you to make your experience and influence on them as memorable as mine was. These wonderful acts don’t go unnoticed, believe me. They are such a wonderful secret gift, never even forgotten by God Himself!


Love, Carolyn


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