Sunday, November 30, 2014


I went into the Starbucks and sat down to read the Bible and write. I looked up and this creepy guy was staring at me from outside. I tried to ignore him, but every time I looked up, there he was with big googly eyes looking right at me! Yuk. I couldn’t concentrate on what I was doing so I moved out of his line of vision. But then he came inside and sat right in the big easy chair that focused right on me! I couldn’t get a thing done and wasn’t smart enough to just turn my back on him or get out of there. I lost that battle.

The next several times when I went to study and write, similar things happened with different people at different locations. I got wise to what the devil was doing. He always goes too far and I catch him and nail him. The devil is never on our side! And to those of you who are Facebook users, the devil never clicks the “like” button for you. We are in a constant war with him.

In the end we win, but in each battle we need God’s wisdom of what to do. A person in the military or any competitive sport knows that battles get fought and won by different strategies. Winners are people who can hold out mentally. Often, as in tennis, the competitors’ skills are equal, but the ultimate winner is the one who endures mentally.

Our strategy is the wisdom of God. So the next time you get attacked, don’t let it go on for too long like I did, but go to God right away and find out His strategy for the battle. “In all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us” (Rom 8:37).

Love, Carolyn

Any one of my books would make a great Christmas gift. Check them out on Amazon:

Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Within the first year, half of the 102 Pilgrims who landed in America, died. Of the 50 who remained only 6 or 7 were strong enough to care for the others.

William Bradford was their leader. He survived the first devastating winter of 1620 and went on to serve as governor of Plymouth for 33 years. From his book, Of Plymouth Plantation, comes this amazing story of how God intervened for the Pilgrims’ survival in this new land:

“About ye 16. Of March a certaine Indian came bouldly amongst them, and spoke to them in broken English, which they could well understand, but marveled at it… He tould them also of another Indian whos name was Squanto, a native of this place, who had been in England & could speake better English then him selfe.

“Afterwards they (as many as were able) began to plant ther corne, in which servise Squanto stood them in great stead, showing them both ye maner how to set it, and after how to dress & tend it. Also he tould them excepte they got fish & set with it (in these old grounds) it would come to nothing, and he showed them yt in ye midle of Aprill they should have store enough come up ye brooke, by which they begane to build, and taught them how to take it, and wher to get other provisions necessary for them; all which they found true by trial & experience… And thus they found ye Lord to be with them in all their ways, and to blesse their outgoings & incomings, for which let his holy name have ye praise for ever, to all posteritie.”

Bradford added, “Squanto… was a special instrument sent of God for their good beyond their expectation.”

How God worked in Squanto’s life is really amazing. In 1605, a member of the Native American Patuxet tribe, Squanto was captured by an English explorer and taken to England where he learned to speak English. In 1614 Captain John Smith brought him back to America but he was captured again and taken to Spain to be sold as a slave.  Local Catholic friars rescued him and introduced him to Christianity.

He went back to England and got on a ship to his native America. But when he got home, he found that all of his tribe had been killed by a plague. The sudden death of the whole tribe scared the neighboring tribes and so they never went onto the property, making it available for the Pilgrims. Also because of the odd circumstances of the tribe’s annihilation, the other tribes didn’t attack the Pilgrims and Squanto facilitated a peace treaty that lasted over 50 years.

With Squanto’s help, the Pilgrims’ second winter was much better. To celebrate, Governor Bradford appointed a day of Thanksgiving and invited Squanto’s newly adopted tribe to come and give thanks to God with them. The chief and 90 of his men came and feasted. They ate deer, turkey, fish, lobster, eels, vegetables, corn bread, berries, pies and popcorn that the Native Americans showed the Pilgrims how to make.  They competed in games of wrestling, shooting and running. The chief had such a good time he and his men stayed and celebrated for three days.

This was the first official American Thanksgiving.

If you’d like to read more about this time in America I recommend America’s Providential History by Mark Beliles and Stephen McDowell and William Bradford: Plymouth’s Faithful Pilgrim by Gary Schmidt.

Love, Carolyn

Sunday, November 23, 2014


If you were to go to the car dealership today and buy a new Mercedes, its value would begin to depreciate the minute you drive it off the lot. When we are not making a conscious effort to say “Thank you” to the other person in a relationship, with God or with people, the same thing happens—their value begins to depreciate in our minds.

How much better would we feel if people thanked us more often? Think about it. It means they first of all had to take notice of you. Saying “thank you” means a decision, effort and positive action is made in your direction. Showing a little appreciation seems like a very small thing but actually it’s pretty great. It’s like a baby compliment for something you said or did or are. And who doesn’t need a few more kudos and compliments now and then?

Being thankful shows APPRECIATION. If we aren’t thankful, DEPRECIATION sets in. Francine can show appreciation for her husband, but if she doesn’t, his value can start to depreciate in her eyes and pretty soon she’s asking for a divorce. At this point Gerard, her husband, has little to no hope for recovery. Fortunately situations like this can often be prevented by the consistent application of two simple words in the relationship, “Thank you.”

Relationships appreciate or depreciate in proportion to thanksgiving.

When someone shows us how much they appreciate us, we’re willing to do more. God’s relationship with us is also better when we tell Him thank you. Awesome benefits come with expressing appreciation and thanksgiving.

By truly thanking the Lord from our hearts, He becomes bigger in our minds. We become more aware of the miracles, the mercy, the healing and the deliverance He brings into our everyday lives. David says, “I will magnify him with thanksgiving” (Ps 69:30). We know we can’t really make God any bigger than He already is, but we certainly can make Him bigger in our own thinking and believing. We make the Lord’s presence larger in our lives by saying thank you and showing appreciation.

Daniel thanked God when it was against the law. “He kneeled upon his knees three times a day, and prayed, and gave thanks before his God” (Dan 6:10). And if you remember, Daniel was miraculously saved from the lion’s den. Praying and thanking God three times a day magnified God in Daniel’s heart and his life. It brought the magnificence of God to the forefront of Daniel’s thinking.

I believe that if we follow Daniel’s example of thanking God, we will more often be seeing the magnificence of God come to the forefront of our minds. Daniel saw and believed in the Almighty God who could bring to pass miracles. God did an amazing miracle for Daniel in rescuing him from the hungry man-eating lions.

The Apostle Paul also made a practice of thanking God. He was in a ship in the middle of a hurricane and though the storm pummeled the ship and everyone thought they would die, Paul boldly told them they would not die. “He gave thanks to God in the presence of them all” (Acts 27:35). They crashed onto an island but all 276 lives were saved.

Let’s not let our relationship with God or people depreciate. Let’s say thank you and show heartfelt appreciation often. We’ll see God bigger, our relationships with people will be richer and our personal lives will be more blessed because of it.

Love, Carolyn
(photo is a painting by Henry Ossawa Tanner: Daniel in the Lions' Den c.1914-1917)
My books will make great Christmas gifts. Good reading for the holidays. Here’s the link:

I also have free printable PDF files of any of my WINGS Sample books. Each sample book has about 6 stand-alone true life stories on the topic of the book. Topics include MIRACLES, SUPERNATURAL EYES, BIBLE STUDIES, COMFORT and more. Check the link above and contact me at , if you’d like a free download. 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


My best friend Jane and I went to visit Pauline, who we hadn’t seen in years. She had come on hard times but I didn’t know just how bad things were until she answered this question: “What are your boys getting for Christmas this year?”

Her head hung down and she answered, “I don’t have any money so I have to wrap some of their old toys so they have something to open.” It broke my heart. She showed us the two toys she planned to wrap, a deflated football and a broken truck.

Jane and I each had $50 extra we could spend so we asked Pauline what the boys would like. Off we went to the store. We stretched that $100 as far as we could and bought every fun thing we could think of including the new football and shiny red truck they told their mom they really wanted. We also bought two of the biggest Christmas stockings we could find and filled them with candy and small things for each of them. Everything went under the Christmas tree.

On Christmas morning when they opened up those presents, the look of delight on their faces totally outweighed the effort and money we spent. I’ll never forget that Christmas.

The Las Vegas casinos give away prizes all year long and Jane collects them for the end of the year. She made up a game to play on Christmas Eve with my family and we give away the prizes, but this year we were inspired to do something different.

Starbucks was collecting gifts for the kids at the local Rescue Mission, so we pulled down the boxes from the attic and opened them up. We found all kinds of cute kids’ stuff. Then we decided to take it a step further and were excited to find warm blankets, some winter gloves, jewelry, jackets, long-sleeved shirts and all kinds of things. The more we found to give, the happier and more excited we got.  When we went on-line to see what they needed, we found that they wanted Bibles. That really made my day. I happen to have a small collection and several for children and teens. You know, that really touched my heart.

Ephesians 4:28 says, “Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth.”

It’s my opinion that in the past several years there’s been way too much emphasis put on giving to get. But here in Ephesians it’s just the opposite, we get to give!

“Remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35).
The Greek word for blessed in this verse means “happier.” I got to experience the true delight of giving and you can too. Think about it.

Love, Carolyn
(photo is of some of the things we gave to the Rescue Mission here in Las Vegas)

Sunday, November 16, 2014


I was sitting in my living room early in the morning and I heard flapping in my chimney. I knew a bird was caught and I prayed it would somehow get out. When I was praying I listened as the Holy Spirit told me to put some bread in the fireplace so the bird would come down and be free.

My actions showed that I was in doubt because I went off to work, automatically leaving the door open so Snowy our cat could get into the living room. When I got home, sure enough God had answered my prayer and the pigeon was sitting on the mantel. It was bedraggled and shivering as Snowy prowled around below it. I picked Snowy up and put him in the bedroom. Then I gently clutched the frightened bird and took him outside where he flew away to freedom.

The next day I was at a garage sale and found a plaque of the same type of bird God saved for me. I hung it up on my bedroom wall to remind me that God always answers my prayers.

There’s a story in Acts 12 similar to mine, where people were praying but still doubting at the same time. Their actions showed they didn’t expect God to really answer their prayers. This is the story:

Peter got thrown into prison and Christians gathered at Mary’s house to pray. The Bible doesn’t tell us what they were praying about but we can pretty much assume they were praying for Peter’s release. God answered their prayer miraculously by sending an angel to lead him out.

Peter showed up at Mary’s house where they were praying and Rhoda answered the door. She saw him and was so excited she ran in to tell the others and forgot to let Peter in. She told them Peter was there in the flesh but they said she was crazy and decided it must be an angel. They believed in angels, but they failed to really believe God was answering their prayer for Peter to get out of prison.

Peter kept pounding on the door and finally they came to the door. They were astonished and must have all been talking at once because Peter had to quiet them down to tell the story of his escape (Acts 12:1-17). 

Even though I prayed, I didn’t really believe God would save the pigeon and these people didn’t really believe God would save Peter. My experience with the pigeon was a turning point for me. It showed me that God ALWAYS answers my prayers. He doesn’t always do it in the manner I expect or even in the time frame I would like, but He does always answer.

We can trust that He will do it every time. Jesus always tells the truth: “What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them” (Mark 11:24). Notice He said “when” you pray. So at the very time of praying we need to tell ourselves that we believe God’s going to answer.

Love, Carolyn

I’m offering free printable PDF files of any of my WINGS Sample books. Each book has 6 or 7 chapters.  Find the one you want on this link:

Then e-mail me your preference at

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


A couple weeks ago my friend Stephen was telling me that in spite of his wife’s wry looks, he always prayed over his food. “I’ve been behind the scenes in a restaurant and I know what can happen.” I had just been back-of-house in one of the hotels that very week and also saw some not so great things happening with the food, so I knew what he was talking about.

After Stephen told me his story, I thought, “I need to get back in the habit of asking God to bless my food.” I remember as a child sitting around the dinner table with my family and we said a blessing over the food before we ate, but sadly I’ve gotten out of practice except for the formal prayer at holiday dinners.

I’m pretty sure some of the intestinal issues we deal with these days could be avoided if we will remember to pray before we eat.

I hadn’t put my new plan into action yet and this week I had two separate incidents of bad food. One was my fault because I forgot to put my salad dressing back in the refrigerator after work and I used it the next day—stomach cramps, yuk. The other was with some milk I put in my coffee in the morning. The milk was beginning to sour even though the date said it was okay. I didn’t realize it until my roommate told me later. Fortunately I was fine, but I bet if I had prayed first, the Lord would have warned me.

First Thessalonians 5:18 says that in everything we are to give thanks. Jesus was our great example: “And Jesus took the loaves; and when he had given thanks, he distributed to the disciples, and the disciples to them that were set down; and likewise of the fishes as much as they would” (John 6:11).

After mulling it over for a few days, this is the prayer I came up with: “God I thank you for this food that it will nourish my body. And thank you for protecting me from any unknown evil that might be in it.” I felt I needed to add the last sentence in light of all the additives, genetically engineered foods and unclean food handling habits these days.

In Bible times they ate pretty purely; maybe some goat’s milk gone bad, but they didn’t have to deal with all the stuff we deal with today. Even if we do our best to eat organically and avoid genetically engineered food, there are still so many hidden factors.

Like with any new or rejuvenated habit, it takes time for it to become second nature. Today I was about 50% better than yesterday. (I only remembered to pray once I’d already started my lunch.) But tomorrow I expect to do better and the next day even better.

Thanks Stephen for inspiring me not only to be thankful, but ultimately healthier too, both of which are God’s will for our lives.

Love, Carolyn

I’m offering free printable PDF files of any of my WINGS Sample books. There’s some great ones including MIRACLES, COMFORT, WORKS OF FAITH, BIBLE STUDIES, and SUPERNATURAL POWERS. Each book has 6 or 7 chapters.  Find the one you want on this link:

Then e-mail me your preference at

Sunday, November 9, 2014


Jane was in surgery and was starting to come out of the anesthesia when she hit a distinct point of decision. She saw the male nurse walk across the room calling her name. At that moment Jane knew that she had the choice to wake up or just let go. She determined, “I’m not done yet. God has more for me to do.” And she made herself wake up.

In Psalm 91:16 God promises us a long satisfying life: “With long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation.”   

People believe that 70 or 80 years is considered a good life expectancy. Church people go along with this and base their belief on Psalm 90:10 which says, “The days of our years are threescore years and ten [70]; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years [80], yet is their strength labor and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.” But this Psalm was written by Moses and it was to the Israelites who disobeyed God in the wilderness; so their lives were cut short.

People took what was written to others and wrongly applied it to themselves. This error has been propounded for thousands of years and has biased nearly all cultures. Even science has been influenced by that lie. But the truth is tucked away in plain sight.

God says mankind’s lifespan “shall be an hundred and twenty years” (Gen 6:3). Who knew? The lady in France who smoked and lived to be 107? The former American slave who lived to preach in Africa at age 103? But because people have mistakenly believed to only live 70 to 80 years, we’ve missed out on so much wisdom and great insight that is unique to ages beyond 80. Instead of seeking the wisdom that comes with age, we look for things to go wrong.

I’m not blaming anyone in particular for perpetuating error, just saying that as hard as it is to fight thousands of years of wrong thinking, we need to reverse our thinking and take hold of the truth.

God wants us to be satisfied with a long healthy life.  We don’t have to give up at 70 or 80 if we’re not quite full yet. According to Genesis 6:3 we can certainly live longer, until we’re totally satisfied. The goal of a good life is to be satisfied and see God’s wholeness. Whether at 50 or 120, we want to be able to say, like the Apostle Paul, “For I am now ready, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith” (2 Tim 4:7).
When Jane was on that recovery table, she was not ready to go. She decided 62 years were not enough.
While we’re here, let’s do our best to do all we’ve been called to do; receive and give and experience all the salvation (wholeness) God shows us.
Love, Carolyn

FREE this weekend thru Tues: WINGS Sample Book E – BIBLE STUDIES. Great chapters on how God’s Word is written in the constellations, the history of Satan, how the original Hebrew text is protected by the Massorah, the significance of Jewish festivals and more.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Yesterday in Nevada we voted for several different offices. They included a representative for the US Congress in Washington D.C., the State Governor, State Treasurer, Sheriff and 30 different judges. These people make decisions every day that affect us and most of us aren’t even aware of what they’re doing, that is, until it becomes personal.

I will probably never be in the presence of any of the 30 judges I voted for, but if I am, or if any of my friends or family had to go before one of these judges, I would want them to be ethical, compassionate and fair, wouldn’t you? Of course you would. And what about the top sheriff? And the guy who decides what our money is going to be used for? These are important decisions and if you’re like me, you probably don’t really know much about these people, what they really think, how they act at home, how they treat their kids, etc.

For some elections I tried to find out as much as I could about the people I voted for. But in some cases I really didn’t find out very much. And honestly I’m not going to take the time during the year to keep up with how 30 different judges are acting. If you are anything like me, you’ll want to know what we can do to get the best people in office.

Yes, researching the people is important and since they make decisions that affect us, we should try to do as much as we can to find out about these people. But equally important is what the Bible says to do.

Paul tells Timothy, “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men.” Then he goes on to include political figures: “For kings, and for all that are in authority.” Then he gives us the reason: “That we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour” (2 Tim 2:1-3).

God’s not just talking about praying, “God bless the politicians. Amen.” We need to think a little deeper concerning what to pray about. We can pray that God influence them to make right decisions even if not popular; that they have good people around them to help them; that they receive insight and wisdom from Godly sources; that they stay meek to learn; that they’re inspired to think more about the people than their paychecks.   

These are just some things that come to mind. When we take the time to pray, the Holy Spirit will show us more things to pray for. Also we have our personal prayer language of speaking in tongues when we don’t know what to pray for (see Romans 8:26).

If we will pray in some of the ways I’ve suggested, for those in political positions of authority, God will answer our prayers. Like it says in 2 Timothy, He wants us to be able to lead a quiet and peaceable life in godliness and honesty and He told us His way to do it: Pray.

Love, Carolyn

Sunday, November 2, 2014


I was emotionally distraught and I tried to ignore the problem and didn’t want to talk about it. I told myself I had already handled it. But it just kept brewing inside me. I tried to talk myself down but logic and reasoning didn’t work.

Keeping problems buried or bottled up inside of us isn’t healthy. They eventually come out. Unfortunately they can wreak havoc in our physical bodies and cause heart problems, nerve problems like shingles, and many other physical sicknesses and diseases. Pent-up emotions can distract and disrupt our minds and interfere with our spiritual life as well.

When we’re hurting, we actually need to talk out loud to the Lord or to a Christian friend who exhibits the Christ within—someone who doesn’t judge us. James 4:16 says you can “confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed.”

It helps some people to write out what is bothering them even before saying anything out loud. Seeing it written in one’s own words sometimes helps identify the real problem.

When we keep things bottled up inside, it torments us. When we speak it out loud, we hear it ourselves and get a clearer picture of what we’re really thinking or feeling.

I was taught that if we talk out loud about things that are upsetting us, demons can hear and they use it against us. So I was afraid to voice my problems. But then I learned that I could pray to God to protect me and keep the evil spirits away while I’m talking.

Jesus Christ says to come boldly to Him to get things fixed: “For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feelings of our infirmities; Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace” (Heb 4:15-16).

Jesus has experienced every emotional, mental and spiritual problem known to man. He understands every difficulty that any person has ever had or ever will have. There is a solution for every problem and the Lord Jesus is willing to give it without any guilt attached. He is full of mercy and full of love. “We have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ” (1 John 2:1).

Ignoring problems doesn’t make them go away. We need to face each trouble straight on and obviate it by putting it into words. We take it to the Lord Jesus. He’s been in our shoes and He knows what to do.

We made Him Lord when we got born again. We should trust Him as our Lord, with every difficulty.

He tells us, God “hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised” (Luke 4:18). And “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil” (1 John 3:8).

Jesus isn’t retired. He isn’t just sitting up in heaven watching what’s going on down here. Hebrews 13:8 tells us, “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.” We need to let Him continue to do His job in our lives. He has the solution to our every problem.

Love, Carolyn    
Check out Amazon to see what books I have available. The stories all deal with things that happen in our everyday lives. Here’s the link: