Sunday, March 29, 2015


Jesus wasn’t a God-robot. He had total freedom of will to choose just like we do. And He’s not the exact same as God either. James 1:13 says, “God cannot be tempted.” But Jesus “was in all points tempted like as we are” (Heb 4:15). He could have chosen to be disobedient, just like Lucifer chose in the beginning. But rather. . .

Jesus chose to be obedient to God because of us. He believed in what obedience would bring. He believed in his Father’s good will for mankind. The first chapter of John tells us Jesus was there when God created everything: elephants, rabbits, tiny neutrons, huge galaxies, mountains, flowers and everything else—all things for mankind to explore, utilize and enjoy.

Jesus knew God’s intention from the beginning and after Adam sinned and the devil began to have so much influence on earth, Jesus was willing to come to earth and go up against the devil to rescue men and women from his clutches.

To do this Jesus would have to beat Satan at every turn. He would have to live as a man and face all the temptations any man or woman would face. And He had to handle them by choosing God’s way every time.
He didn’t give in to even one temptation to make a bad choice.

As we accept Jesus Christ into our hearts, He gives us the ability to turn to Him for better choices in every situation. He’s been there.

God was sure Jesus would do the right thing but because He loves us so much, He was willing to let Jesus come to earth and live as a man and have freedom of will. Jesus could have chosen differently if He’d wanted to. But because He loved us too, He chose to go through with God’s plan at every turn. He took the horrible results of every bad decision we make and He paid the ultimate price of death and hell.  

Then God raised Jesus pure and free forever.

Romans 8:34 says Jesus is at the right hand of God, now living to make intercession for us. He is also right here with us to help us with our choices and Colossians 1:27 says we have Christ in us. How can He be in so many places at once? He’s Spirit and even the scientists now are proving that things can be in two places at once. It’s awesome.

Just like Jesus had decisions to make, let’s make an effort to give God honor by making good decisions ourselves and when we honestly don’t know what choice to make, take it to Jesus, because He always knows the best choice at that time. He’s been through it. He took our place on the cross so that He could always be there to help us.

Love, Carolyn

PS: I chose this picture because it's like a child's coloring book, simple and quiet. I wanted to show that not every choice is an adult one and ultra-dramatic and life changing. Many choices are in the everyday innocent decisions and small choices that may or may not make huge seeable differences :-).

My entire WINGS e-book of 60 exciting, helpful life lesson stories is on SALE for only $5.00. Look for it under my name, Carolyn Molica, on Amazon.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


Can’t wrap your mind around forgiveness? Take a look at any of these videos about hell; you’re not going to want your worst enemy to go.

Jesus tells us that hell was designed for the devil and his demons, not for man. Matt 25:41 “Then shall he say also unto them, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.”

Proverbs 24:17 says, “Rejoice not when thine enemy falleth, and let not thine heart be glad when he stumbleth.” And Jesus, as he was being crucified said, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.”

You’ll see why Jesus said that when you watch any of these short videos on hell. I’ve also included a few clips of people who’ve made contracts with Satan, like Bob Dylan, Beyonce, Katy Perry, Michael Jackson and several rap stars, and what happens to them.

There’s hundreds of scriptures in the Bible about hell, the devil and Satan but for the most part we’ve chosen not to look at them. But this stuff is real.

Did you ever wonder about the phrase, “weeping and gnashing of teeth?” I have. One of the videos listed below defines this in a way you will understand what it means. These clips are by various people, not preachers necessarily in the traditional way we see them. The most conservative of all are Bill Wiese and his wife.

You’ll never see things quite the same after watching any of these. And you’ll have a great desire to forgive and help people. I‘m not an expert on this, but I’m not afraid to look because it was a subject Jesus had a lot to say about. God shows us the truth of our times if we want to know. I believe we have to open our eyes. People in our world are in trouble and we can help them.

Love, Carolyn

These are just some of the clips I’ve looked at. There’s many more. The Bible describes horrific things about hell and these videos could be scary to some people, so look at your own risk. Most are not professionally done, so be a little patient. Also I highly recommend you only watch one or two at a time. It’s a lot to take in.

1. Bill Wiese – 23 Minutes in Hell
2. This is a pretty creepy one but informative
3. This guy is simple and sweet. Have a little patience with him. He defines “gnashing of teeth” in a way I could understood it.
4. Tireo is a Christian rapper. He’s a little wild, but when you consider the nature of many rappers, he is perfect for that genre
5. A few clips about celebrities selling their souls to Satan:
Beyonce (go to about half way through and start there)

Katy Perry, Kayne West, Bob Dylan contract with Satan

Sunday, March 22, 2015


Steve-O told me he didn’t really like horror films and then asked me if I did. What happened next surprised me.

I barely got the first words out when I felt a powerful stirring from within. It was from my belly and not my brain. I felt strong and energized as these words came out of my Spirit: “Yes. I like to watch sci-fi, monster flicks, superheroes and movies about the devil—I need to know what he’s up to so when he attacks my friends I’m ready and I know how to back him off!” My words surprised me; I had no idea I was going to say that, but when I did. . .

I said it with conviction and I knew I was speaking from the Spirit of God within me. Sometimes truths get confirmed straight out of our bellies because that’s where the Holy Spirit dwells. The words bypass the rationalizations and limitations of our minds. I love it when that happens.

In this situation, the Holy Spirit in me connected to the words of my friend and when I opened my mouth I spoke a revelation that I hadn’t known up until that moment. This happened to Elisabeth when Mary came to stay with her. Mary said a few words of greeting and “when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and she spake out with a loud voice” (Luke 1:41-42). What came out of her mouth was a prophecy regarding Mary and the birth of Jesus.

God has a great sense of humor and often what we hear ourselves say (or write) it’s even a surprise to us! When Peter had a vision on his rooftop about eating all kinds of things that were against the Jewish laws, Peter told God he wanted nothing to do with that.

But then when he ended up at a Gentile’s house, Peter began to talk and was shocked to hear and see what followed: Cornelius and all his household got born again and spoke in tongues just like the Jews. For Peter this was a shocker. He was expecting the new church to be only for Jews. As he spoke, it was a new revelation to him and he welcomed it, “I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts from every nation the one who fears him” (Acts 10:34-35).

This kind of energizing is thrilling and something we can keep in mind this week. I’m praying that you have the exciting opportunity to experience it for yourselves. Keep praying for people, forgiving and making yourself available to walk in love as Christ leads you.

Love, Carolyn

WINGS: A Journey in Faith, the entire book of 60 chapters is only $5.00. Download from Amazon

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


I listened to the woman on YouTube speaking about the second coming of the Jesus Christ. She talked about what the people on earth would have to endure after all the born again believers are gone. It didn’t occur to me until a couple days later that her talk was not as much for us now as it was for the people who would be left behind! WOW!

We are told several places in the Bible that no man knows when that day will be. But we are to be ready, “watch and be sober” (1 Thess 5:6).

“For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord” (1 Thess 4:16-17).

This woman was more than ready. Her teaching struck a note with me and I had this thought: If Jesus came tomorrow there would be turmoil and anyone who was not a believer when He came, would still be here. That means people that we know, including neighbors, friends, family members, store owners. Most of them would know that we are Christians, so with the chaos, they could end up at our house. Since we don’t take anything with us when Jesus comes for us, all our stuff is left.

Would there be blankets for them? Water? Food? But my big question is: What would they find in my house that would be spiritual food to help them to turn to Jesus and receive eternity in heaven?

What’s in your apartment, house, dwelling? If Jesus came tomorrow, would there be a Bible? Some good teaching on your compute? Books that would help them to find the truth about Jesus Christ?

Or would there be lots of extraneous things that wouldn’t really be that helpful?

Proverbs 15:6 says, “In the house of the righteous is much treasure.” 1 Corinthians 1:30 says we are righteous. So what kinds of treasures are in our house?

I remember several years back I looked around my house at the pictures I had on my walls. I had Jesus in my heart, but I didn’t have much on my walls that indicated my love for Him. So I changed that.

You would be right to guess that in the next few days I’ll be taking an inventory of what’s in my house. If Jesus comes soon, I want to be kind enough to leave some obvious breadcrumbs for those left behind.

Love, Carolyn

John 14:3 “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.”
Revelation 22:20 “Surely I come quickly. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.”

Find more great keys to living in the “now” with the Lord Jesus Christ in your everyday life. WINGS: A Journey in Faith

Sunday, March 15, 2015


Driving to my appointment I came closer and closer to the nearby mountains. Huge red and black clouds piled up high into the sky. They swelled fatter and taller and I felt smaller and smaller.

They crawled slowly and powerfully up into the sky like some thick ghostly monster. The heavy acrid smell of smoke filled the air. It was like the times I started a fire in my fireplace and forgot to open the flue. I’d have to throw open the sliding glass door to my patio and run out to get some fresh air.

This time I WAS out, in the big open Las Vegas valley but there was no fresh air to be had. It was eerie and claustrophobic and I didn’t like it.

I had a vision of what it might feel like being up there at close range with the firefighters, our heads tilted back as we looked straight up, a wall of gray and red thick heat forcing us backwards. The vision was threatening. I knew I had to do something before the fire on the mountain became any more serious.

Many people prayed. I asked God to send rain to our desert and put a stop to the red and black monster. He answered that prayer. The rain came, drenched the fire and the remaining embers were totally out in three days.

Our God is GREAT and MIGHTY. “The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool” (Is 66:1 and Acts 7:49). He made all the planets, all the stars, all the galaxies and all the universes. He is in charge of the winds and the set the boundary of the oceans. He is God Almighty and the Lord of Sabaoth (Lord of all the elements). He can do LARGE!

Our God created all the elements that exist and gave Jesus Christ power over all. “And Jesus spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth” (Matt 28:18).

Those clouds were huge, the smoke suffocating and the fire fearsome. But our God is BIGGER! We need to respect HIM. He gave Jesus, His son, so much power and in turn Jesus made it available to us, as part of His body. He said, “And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it” (John 14:13-14).
That’s why we can command the elements to obey. They are subject to their creator God and He set it up “that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth” (Phil 2:10). In ministering I often use that scripture. It works and it’s powerful and I love it.
What this means is that ANY element or combination of elements—abnormal cells, a set of muscles out of place, a dropped bladder, a storm, a demon, ALL elements have to be in submission to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
And God will honor our faith as we step out on this truth about His authority and dominion. “And these signs shall follow them that believe; in my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. And they went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following” (Mk 16:17-20).
When other believers and I prayed for rain to put out the fire on Mt. Charleston, God answered.
Another time I prayed and God stopped the rain. I was at a Christian survival adventure. It included rock climbing. I had gone with several “city folks” who hadn’t even done much camping. When it came to the day we were to do the climb, the leaders went to set it up as we waited below. Dark clouds built up over us and it began to pour. I found shelter under a big rock, began to pray and got a revelation: The people’s fear brought the rain so they wouldn’t have to do the climb. I knew it was true.
Scrambling up to where the leaders were, I told them we had to pray. I prayed in the name of Jesus Christ and used Philippians 2:10 as I took dominion over the clouds and demanded a clear sky. The clouds dissipated and the sky opened up over us. We were able to climb and there were great personal victories for all of us.
These kinds of things are not just for preachers to do, but they are for ALL believers who will dare to believe in the power over the elements that God first gave to Jesus and then to us, through the mighty use of His name, Jesus Christ.
Love, Carolyn

Many of my sample books (6 to 7 chapters each) are available for only $.99 on Amazon. The narratives are true examples of how to make Jesus Christ a vital part of your everyday life.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


My nighttime snacking pretty much under control, I measured out the amount of chips I wanted and a small chocolate cupcake. Great. However… the next two nights didn’t go as well.

I didn’t plan or measure anything! I opened a bag of edamame chips and gorged myself then followed with two chocolate cupcakes and a rather large high calorie beverage. The next day as I sat down to relax before bed, I wondered, “Why didn’t Jane say anything to me about my over-snacking the past two nights?” I quickly got the answer.

I had to stop thinking she was going to be my crutch and help me every time I let loose of my self-control and started binging. If I was going to conquer this evening snacking thing, I had to make it my own.

I had to own up to it myself, take responsibility for my actions, not depend on someone else to monitor me. I had to monitor me!

The Apostle Paul said, “But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection” (1 Cor 9:27). And he says in Galatians that one of the fruits of the spirit is self-control. “And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires” (Gal 5:22 and 24). Well, I’m Christ’s, so I’m one who can crucify the flesh too. It looks like I need to have a stern talk to my body and tell it who’s in charge—the spirit part of me!

My snacking may seem like a small thing to some of you, but to me it’s important because I want to be strong and healthy for many years to come. Overeating at night I’ll just get fat and that’s not going to help me at all. But the same principle applies in many categories.

It’s time to own up to our weaknesses in the flesh, and if we can, throw away the crutches and receive the self-control God says we have, bringing our bodies into subjection to those things that we know are best for us.

Proverbs 22:6 tells us, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Some of the habits we have are immature, childish and foolish and we need to be the parent to those parts of us that are being stupid. Start training that unruly part just like good parents train their kids, with constant repetition and love. It’s time to be a grownup!

Love, Carolyn
My WINGS books are available on Amazon and they’re very affordable, $.99, $2.99, and the printed book for under $12.00.

Sunday, March 8, 2015


I got up at 3:30 a.m., went into the kitchen to make coffee and when I turned on the light, I noticed two small bugs (about 1/16th to 1/8th inch at most) scurrying across the counter.  I smashed them and didn’t think much more about it. The next morning as I turned on the light I saw a couple more.  Then the next morning, more. I opened up the dishwasher and OMG! More than just a couple hiding at the top. I freaked out, called the exterminator, and put some dead ones in a jar for him. I had no idea of what was coming next.

My kitchen was being attacked. Now there were bigger ones too, about ¾ inch long and they looked like some kind of weird roach. They seemed to be hiding everywhere. I’d turn on the light and they’d scurry away, then I’d see them dropping down by the dog’s dish, coming out of the corners by the oven and going up the wall by the cabinets. I lifted the lid of my beautiful new Keurig coffee pot to make my morning coffee and one was staring back at me from inside. I could see it’s eyes and it seemed to be defying me in an almost human way. It was horrifying! That was the last straw and I was totally freaked out. I called the exterminator, he came over and determined they were German roaches. Together we took up the fight against these quickly multiplying attackers. It was a much longer fight than I wanted it to be and there were times I honestly didn’t know if I would win.

Early in the battle I asked God what the heck was going on.  He directed me to start studying the Amalekites in the Bible and He would show me the spiritual background to this attack and what to do about it.

I learned that the Amalekites were a semi-nomadic tribe. They moved around but if they found a cozy place to take over, they would. They were a formidable people. The devil spirits acting through these people were schemers and shrewd. Their method was to attack in devious ways from all sides, like in guerilla warfare, in a way that wouldn’t be noticed until it was too late. They were driven and didn’t give up. They would wear the Israelites down by relentless attacks, stealing their peace of mind along with anything else they could get their hands on.

In Exodus God says He is at war with Amalek from generation to generation. (Ex 17:16). Our battle is spiritual and I call these types of devil spirits “Amalekite spirits,” whether they work through people, animals, objects or horrible roaches.

In 1 Samuel 15:18 God tells Saul that the only way to get rid of them is to “utterly destroy the Amalekites, and fight against them until they be consumed.” Saul apparently thought that it would be okay to keep the king alive and keep the sheep and oxen and some other spoils as well. But God knew the Amalekite spirits could occupy much more than just the warriors, so all the people, the livestock and the possessions were to be destroyed. Saul didn’t obey and the consequences were devastating. He lost his kingship, his sanity, his kingdom and his life.

From Exodus 17 we learn that it takes vigilance to defeat Amalekites. Joshua was at the head of the battle, but Moses was in charge. When Moses lifted up the rod of God, Israel prevailed. When he got weary and let down his hand, Amalek prevailed. Moses had to have two other guys help him to hold up the banner of God to the very end of the battle and to victory.

That is such a lesson for us today. In the middle of a fight against this type of spiritual attack, there’s no room for getting tired. Even Moses needed help. And if we get weary we better find good knowledgeable people to help us too; it will make the difference between victory and defeat.

When it was over, Moses built an altar to God, to honor Him in His capacity as Jehovah-nissi.  It means “The Lord is my banner.” It is the name of God which puts the enemy to flight. As it says in Isaiah 59:19, “When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.” Jehovah-nissi was considered a name under which Israel could rally for victory. The Lord’s name was the battle cry.

The bugs that attacked my kitchen were of the same spiritual ilk as the Amalekites that attacked Israel. They came in like a flood.

Calling on God as Jehovah-nissi, in the name of Jesus Christ, I got total victory in this horrible attack. It took determination and diligence for what seemed like forever (several months actually). Like Moses, I had to get help. My exterminator was awesome. We became good friends and he ended up leaving the “special spray” with me so I could go after the bugs in between his visits.

I had to not only destroy the roaches, but I also had to destroy every item they touched. I didn’t want to end up like Saul. I got rid of the dishwasher, coffee machine, other electrical appliances (they liked warm cozy places) and much more, but it was totally worth it.

When the very last bug was destroyed, I realized that they had started eating each other and the toxins in the insecticide had utterly consumed them until every last one was dead. Gross, but true. That was several years ago and they have never returned. Thank God!

I hope you never have to encounter this type of spirit in people, animals, bugs or in any other creatures or objects. But if you or someone you know ever has that misfortune, I’ve given you the scriptures to go to and the ammunition you need. Use it.

Love, Carolyn

My WINGS: A Journey in Faith book has many keys to seeing Jesus Christ as an integral part of your everyday affairs. Here’s the link to find it on Amazon.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Yours truly up on the ladder with my camera in my hands, ready to photograph the rocks I painted; I hear a big crack of thunder and the lights go out.

The warehouse has enough natural light for me to see to get off the ladder and go over to check the breakers, but not enough light to get an accurate picture of the rocks to send my boss.

It reminded me of how Jesus is the light of the world; without Him we’ll never get an accurate picture of anything that’s going on, just smoke and mirrors. “Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth [is following] me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life” (John 8:12). Light dispels darkness, “For thou art my lamp, O Lord: and the Lord will lighten my darkness” (2 Sam 22:29). What a great promise. We can repeat this scripture to ourselves until we believe it and expect the Lord to shed light on any dark areas in our lives.

The lights in the warehouse came back on slowly. Sometimes it’s that way with things for us too—we want to understand; we need more light from Jesus on the subject; we pray about it and the truth comes to us slowly, a little at a time. At other times Jesus illuminates our circumstances like a flood light and everything becomes clear.

Lord bring on the light in our relationships, our finances, our ability to follow You, our understanding of current events and end time events, our part in politics and community, and our many small or big choices in everyday life.

Love, Carolyn

My WINGS books are available on Amazon and they’re very affordable, $.99, $2.99, and the printed book for under $12.00.

Sunday, March 1, 2015


Jane was driving a taxi cab in Las Vegas, six days a week, 12 hours a day for the first three months. Then she came home one afternoon after about six months and dropped down into her chair totally exhausted, “You’re not going to believe what happened today. That creep, Gino, called me into his office.”

“He told me, ‘You’re not getting enough big fares, honey. You need to start going to the airport.’” The implication was that she needed to start taking people through the tunnel from the airport to the Strip, which adds ten miles to the fare. That’s about $20 more than what it should cost!

But Jane wouldn’t cheat people, so she was laid off right before her probationary period ended. By all senses knowledge, it seemed she’d been burned.

It reminded me of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in Daniel chapter 3, when they wouldn’t bow down to worship the idol Nebuchadnezzar set up. They were thrown into the “burning fiery furnace.”  Nebuchadnezzar was so mad that he commanded his men to heat the fire up seven times hotter. Then something unusual happened.

“The flames of the fire slew those men that took up Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego” (Daniel 3:23). And a similar thing happened to the taxi company when they fired Jane for not bowing to their evil ways.

The taxi company got burned in a financial way. We prayed according to Romans 12:19 for God’s vengeance, “Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. And He took care of it.

There was a huge inquiry and a strike. Headlines read, “Clark County taxicab drivers taking tourists on the scenic route to and from the airport overcharged their passengers an estimated $14.8 million last year.”

The taxi company lost millions of dollars because of the strike and audit, and Jane received way more money from unemployment than she had from the taxi job. And Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego from the Bible didn’t burn either. They got away without even the smell of smoke on them.

When we take a stand on the truth from God’s Word, God won’t let us down. He will not let us burn. And if evil people are not willing to change, “it is righteous for God to repay with affliction those who afflict you” (2 Thess 1:6).

Love, Carolyn

If you’d like a free printable PDF file of one of my WINGS sample books, here’s my e-mail . The entire WINGS book is on sale in a paperback copy and Kindle download on Amazon