Wednesday, February 26, 2020


My mom passed away on Feb. 12th. She was 90 and fell asleep peacefully at home. My niece, Sarah, and her husband Ben were at mom's bedside when she closed her eyes for the last time. Sarah told me she was humming and singing for a day or so before she went off to heaven. My mom was a faithful believer and loved reading the Bible. She read it from cover to cover many times throughout her life and lived by its principles. Mom prayed about everything and she trusted that the Lord would always take care of things, no matter what they looked like. She had a rock solid faith that things would always work out, and she looked forward to heaven. 

My mom was a great example of faithfulness in so many categories and she taught me so much over the years. I'll really miss her, but will try to always honor her for the rest of my life.

Thanks everyone for having patience with me through this next month. My computer went on the fritz so I haven't been able to get out the preach letters like I wanted, and have also gotten behind in getting my second WINGS book out. But I am getting a new computer on Friday and will be back up and running soon.

Love, Carolyn

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