Wednesday, January 1, 2020


This article is from a few years ago, but I love the concept, and I thought it would be a great one as we are entering a brand-new year.
Peanut is our chihuahua/terrier mix. He has a few issues, including being a little intimidated by Snickers, the cat and Jane my roommate, who we call the Big Cat. Sometimes when the Big Cat makes a sudden move, Peanut runs for it. One night, I was relaxing in the bath when I heard some commotion down the hallway. “What’s going on out there?” I asked. I barely got the words out when there he came around the corner.

Peanut scurried across the floor, nails clicking on the tiles into the bathroom, jumped right up onto the edge of the tub, into my arms, and into the water! That was a first! He was running from Jane.

I gently clutched the little guy in my arms, letting his feet down into the warm water. I took my shampoo in one hand, held Peanut in the other, gave him a short shampoo massage, and then rinsed him off. I figured I’d take advantage of the situation and go for the conditioner too. I rinsed him again then lightly lifted him out of the tub and onto the bath mat. Off he ran, shaking water off his slick little body as he went out the door and into the hall.

I was finishing up, and there he came bouncing back again, jumped up on the side of the tub and into the water. Maybe he thought he was a retriever? He even started to paddle a little! What a character. Who knew our little Peanut would love the water? He wasn’t a bit afraid, and he actually liked it. I was so surprised.

(The picture I’ve included here is a few days after the incident with Peanut in an empty bathtub. What a good boy!)

This incident with Peanut can teach the rest of us a good lesson. Sometimes we find the things we like in the most unexpected places and under the most unexpected circumstances.

If you follow Jesus, you can be assured you’ll find new things along your journey that you’ll really enjoy, even if they come in the most unusual situations.

There are lots of examples from the Bible. Ruth found an awesome husband in a foreign country (Ruth 4:13-15). Peter found out he could walk on water in the middle of a storm (Matt. 14:26-32). Paul and Silas sang praises in prison and ended up at the prison keeper’s house having lunch! (Acts 16:23-40)

This phrase, “Do it afraid,” has helped me so many times. I would be nervous about something—like for instance today: my friend who was my boss just got a new job and now I’m taking her place. I’m not as detail-minded (and in so many ways, not as qualified for the job), but I’m doing it anyway.

I told my boss I would do my best and I will. But I’m permitting myself just to be myself. Jesus will be with me and if it doesn’t work out, well, the Lord will just get me something else. Despite feeling nervous about my promotion, I had a fine day, and the best thing is that I’m not stressed. So often, if we think the Lord is leading us in a certain direction, we have just to take a deep breath and give it a try.

Let’s all be a little more like Peanut and these people from the Bible: Jump into the new things that God shows us even if we think we’re afraid. We’ll probably enjoy them more than we know.

Love, Carolyn
1. When was the last time you were surprised in a good way by something new you tried?
2. When you have fear about a new activity, what do you usually do?
3. What are some stories from the Bible, where people found great blessings in new or unusual circumstances? Give a few scripture references for your answers.

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