Sunday, April 30, 2023



In Las Vegas, we’ve noticed that when certain events come to town, they can negatively influence the spiritual atmosphere and start to affect us. When people come together to participate in something contrary to God’s Word, their demons get stirred up, and they like to extend their influence into the community at large. But the Lord gives us revelation on how to make these gatherings ineffective.


Sometimes we don’t recognize the influence of gatherings such as witches’ covens and Satan worshipers on full moon nights, gatherings of terrorist pods, or the aftermath the morning after a considerable hedonist party in town. We tend to take things too personally. And often when we feel bad, it’s not even us; it’s demons in the atmosphere pushing at us.


Some weekends here, we can feel the agitation in the air, and it makes people drive especially dangerously. Sometimes the atmosphere feels overly heavy and oppressive. I’ve had mornings I didn’t feel like doing my hair, didn’t feel like writing, and my brain was foggy. It just wasn’t like me. At first, I thought it was me, but the Lord showed me what to look for, and I’ve learned that most of the time I’m just reacting to the group of demons come to town.


This coming Friday is one of those Satanic gathering times (full moon) and here is Biblical evidence of what kind of weapon we can use in our communities to blow apart Satan’s plans.


God gave me a revelation on this by reminding me of Nimrod. In Genesis 10:9, we learn that King Nimrod was “the mighty hunter before the Lord.” When it says “before the Lord,” it means he was in His face, against the true God. Nimrod got the people together and “they said, ‘Let us build a city and a tower whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make a name [for ourselves]’” (Gen. 11:4).


“And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men built. And the Lord said, ‘Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. Let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech’” (Gen. 11:5-7). When the people were together, they were united in the words they spoke. It’s like when you agree with someone and say, “You’re speaking my language.”


The remarkable thing is that when the Lord God confounded their literal language, they couldn’t communicate. When people can’t communicate, especially when it comes to getting a project done, they can’t agree, and that brings envy and strife. James 3:6 says: “Where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work.”


So the Lord showed me that we could pray for this to happen with whatever demons had come to town. I prayed that God’s strong angels would surround them and that the agitation, the envy, the strife, and the confusion would stay within the confines of the group and not be able to penetrate beyond. We also pray for a Babel situation in the individuals’ lives who are participating in the group and that the things that happen to them will wake them up to what they are doing, and they will decide to serve the one true God instead! By confining those devil spirits to the group and to the individuals in the group, we are protected from their influence. After God did His Babel thing on Nimrod, the demons had to flee (Gen. 11:8), which will happen for us too, in the name of Jesus Christ!


Within minutes of praying this, my mind was totally clear, and I had plenty of energy to get going on my day. The difference is astonishing, and it works every time. It will work for you too. It’s our job to catch the demons of the group and arrest them as soon as we become aware of their presence. The minute we know a group is gathering, a group that is against the principles of our God and His Bible, we need to take action in prayer immediately.


We find another Biblical example of this in Second Chronicles 20. It’s the story of Jehoshaphat and his people. Three different nations came together for a type of convention or event in the wilderness of Tekoa: It was called war! They all got together to take what Jehoshaphat had. But Jehoshaphat and his people prayed, and “when they began to sing and to praise [for the victory they anticipated], the Lord set ambushments.”


“For the children of Ammon and Moab stood up against the inhabitants of mount Seir, utterly to slay and destroy them; and when they had made an end of the inhabitants of Seir, every one helped to destroy another” (2 Chron. 20:22-23).


When Jehoshaphat and the people came to see what was going on, “behold, they were dead bodies fallen to the earth, and none escaped” (v. 24).


That’s the thing about some demons; they are so stupid they fight each other and kill their host!


So if you sometimes feel the pressure or heaviness of the spiritual atmosphere or sense an intense agitation, don’t automatically think it’s something wrong with you. Ask the Lord what’s going on. It could very well be that there is some kind of gathering near you that you can spiritually confine and keep at bay.


Though we would love to deliver everyone from the demons who manipulate them, it’s not always possible. But it is possible to detain the demons, confine them to specific areas and prevent them from affecting us. Through Jesus Christ, we have that authority and ability.


Love, Carolyn


If you’d like a signed copy of my new book, BIBLE LESSONS FROM NATURE, send just $10 and your address to me at 4401 El Parque Ave. Las Vegas NV 89102. 😊.


Sunday, April 23, 2023



I was thinking I could use some Holy Spirit pep talk right now, to re-energize, inspire and take my faith higher. So what kind of pep talk would it be? Well, the amazing personal supercharge given to us through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross is THE most powerful energizer! Check it out: Colossians 1:27 tells us that when a person gets born again, they have “the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you.” The spirit of Christ Jesus lives in our very souls and bodies now. 2 Corinthians 5:17 tells us: “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; Behold, all things are become new.” If we really believe what the Bible says about this, we can tap into a huge advantage in life, a power-punch of Spirit power we’ve received from God Almighty, the Creator of all things.


It’s the power punch that gives us new abilities and makes us different and better than the person we used to be. We have the power to be gentle and kind, to be stronger and healthier, to step out in love with confidence, to perceive what others don’t, to get personal answers from God daily to make brave and right decisions, to excel in life.


Take a short journey with me now through the seven bleedings of our Lord Jesus Christ and see what amazing things He’s given us through injecting His blood into our born again lives. The Bible says that the “life is in the blood” (Lev. 17:11). So in each area of His bleeding, we have new ability in that area.


The first bleeding for us was in the garden of Gethsemane when He prayed: “Nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done. And his sweat was as it were great drops of blood” (Luke 22:41). Jesus was willing to do God’s will rather than His own. One drop of this sweaty blood gives us the power we need to do God’s will rather than our own. We CAN do God’s will; We have the ability.”


Jesus next was “scourged” by the Roman soldiers. They thrashed Him 39 times with a whip made of several leather pieces, each loaded with jagged metal or bone pieces that tore and ripped open strips of flesh on His back. The physical tearing of the flesh from His body would also leave gashes and wounds susceptible to disease. Since His blood was perfect, He would have no lasting repercussions from any gashes, pain, or any other physical maladies. His blood covers all bodily things: sickness, weakness, disease, pain, broken, torn or missing parts. 1 Peter 2:24 reminds us that they could not contaminate Jesus’ blood in any way and it is, “by whose stripes ye were healed.” The Bible tells us we have access to total healing through the blood of Jesus. When we believe in God’s sacrifice for us, we realize that He gave Jesus so that He could reconnect with us. Jesus was the price He paid to get us back from Satan’s dominion over us. AND, God got Jesus back too, which the devil did not anticipate!


This is supernatural stuff. The Bible calls it “born” again, when we accept Jesus as Lord and believe God raised Him from the dead. No pain, injury, mental disorder, malignant growth, weakness, disability, or any bodily abnormality is attached to the new birth we get. None of that could attach itself to Jesus and when we got “born again,” the same capacity to thwart evil in body or soul is what we have. It’s “born” into us at that moment. We start over! The Spirit of God in us can miraculously, supernaturally change everything, if we only believe that what the Bible says is truly the Word and Will of the ONLY TRUE GOD.


Medicine, exercise, food and other things given by God in the first place, can help, but ultimately, it’s the LIFE of Christ Jesus, in Spirit energy, in your “born again body” that has a miraculous and wonderful effect on every particle and cell if we only believe what the Bible says. God keeps His Word.


The third place Jesus shed blood was from internal bruises. Isaiah 53:5 tells us: “He was bruised for our iniquities.” Jesus was mocked and beaten. Distress and swelling were caused by broken capillaries and dislodged blood beneath the skin's surface. When we believe the significance of this kind of bleeding, it’s able to take away any humiliation and deep emotional bruises we’ve carried—the wounds that we don’t want anyone to see, even wounds we suspect, but maybe don’t even fully recognize ourselves, until they’ve been taken away.


The fourth bleeding was from the crown of thorns jammed into His skull. So much of what goes on in our lives is directly related to what happens in our brains, our minds. Jesus’ blood applied to our minds and physical brains, and we can more easily think right thoughts, and make wise decisions like He always did.


Next they nailed Jesus’ hands and feet to the cross. The blood from his hands, spiritually into our hands, gives us unique power in our hands. Think about what we do with hands—we touch, write, make things, give things, stop things, clap, lift, and much more. Believing to let the blood from Jesus’ hands, by Spirit, pulse into our own, can change everything and everyone we touch.


Number six is the blood from Jesus’ feet. It changes the path we can walk on. Matthew 7:14 tells us “straight is the gate and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life.” Though narrow, it is the path of dominion like God says in Deuteronomy 11:24: “Every place whereon the soles of your feet shall tread shall be yours.” This will only be true when we walk in obedience to the ability the blood of Jesus has given us.


And lastly, number seven. When the soldier came to see if Jesus was dead, he took his spear and pierced Him through the side—through his belly, his lungs, and his heart—making sure his entire life force bled out. That bleeding gave us his entire life for eternity. The blood shed from his belly made available Holy Spirit to abide within our bellies, in our innermost self. As Jesus said, “He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.” That’s what happens when we walk by the Spirit - we flow as a living Spiritual river.


The blood shed from his lungs made available new life in every breath.


And the bleeding from his heart gave us the ability to Spiritually know his heart and be able to extend God’s heart to others. As Jesus said: “He that hath seen me hath seen the Father (John 14:9).” For many of us, that is our life goal.   


Love, Carolyn


If you’d like a signed copy of my new book, BIBLE LESSONS FROM NATURE, it’s only $10. Send a check and your address so I can get a copy out to you ASAP 😊. My address is 4401 El Parque Ave. Las Vegas NV 89102.


Sunday, April 16, 2023



For me, the saddest verse in the Bible is John 6:66: “From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him.” The second saddest is nine verses later: “Neither did his brethren believe in him” (John 7:5). Jesus came to save the world. He required commitment, but his disciples couldn’t handle it. They had their own ideas about how to live and about how Jesus should act too. Jesus didn’t agree with either. Rejection: Jesus shows us what to do about it.


We all get rejected sometimes. We’ve asked for, at least hoped for, some kind of commitment, and the person we asked was not willing to give it. We’ve also been in situations where we refused to fit into the type of person someone else thought we should be. It feels unfair, but it happens, and we have several choices of what to do about it. When I read the scriptures in John, I felt so bad for Jesus. I thought, “Don’t they get it? Jesus is the son of God. Why are they being so stupid and so mean?” These people had been following Jesus, but then when he actually required a commitment from them, they said no. It kind of broke my heart. But then I kept reading and saw exactly how Jesus handled the rejection. It’s how we need to handle it as well.


After the people left off listening to Jesus, he just moved on. He was in Jerusalem, but he moved away. It says in John 7:1: “After these things, Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill him.” Then when it was feast time and his brethren thought he should go to the feast in Jerusalem with them, he told them to go on ahead. He wasn’t going to do what they wanted him to do just because they thought he should. He did what God wanted him to do, and we need to be doing the same.


As it turns out, Jesus did go to the feast in Jerusalem, but he went privately. God sent him to Jerusalem, directly to the temple, where he preached the gospel of God, like he always did, with boldness.


Jesus didn’t stop preaching. He didn’t stop speaking the truth in love. He didn’t stop calling a spade a spade. When he saw corruption, greed, and unrighteousness, he plainly exposed it. Jesus wasn’t afraid.


Even when those closest to him rejected and criticized him, he didn’t stop doing what God’s Word said to do. He didn’t let rejection change him. As far as this section of John tells us, it doesn’t even look like he allowed himself to be sad about the situation. What a great attitude!


Jesus could instantly turn his eyes on God and do the next thing with joy. That’s amazing to me, and I’m beginning to have that kind of mindset as well. Jesus didn’t quit or let himself be weakened by rejection. He stayed strong.


When we get rejected by people who don’t want to be around us, or by those who don’t think we’re acting like they want us to act, we can do what Jesus did, and just let them go. It seemed easy for Jesus, but often it’s not that easy for us.


As some of you know, recently the Lord melted 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 into my heart. I say “melted” because I feel it’s a real part of me now, and I am quickly becoming what it says: 19 “What? Know ye not that our body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? 20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.


The word “know” in verse 19 in the original Greek is “eido,” and it means “to perceive by any of the senses, to discover, to turn the eyes, the mind, the attention to anything. It means “observe,  understand, to have regard for, cherish, and pay attention to.” When we surrender all to the Lord, it changes us. I tell God every day now that my body, my mind, my emotions, and my spirit are His. I repeat it so that I “eido” it.


The biggest change I’ve seen manifested in me is that I don’t respond to rejection like I did before. I can easily shrug it off and walk away like Jesus did, and if you happen to know the old me, that’s a miracle! God took my natural emotions and changed them to what Jesus has! That’s a WOW!


We can replace the rejector with the lovers, God and the Lord Jesus Christ. The words to an old Christian hymn ring true here:  


Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Look full, in his wonderful face
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of his glory and grace


Love, Carolyn

Have a great week!

The above hymn was written in 1922 by Helen Lemmel, and was inspired by a tract written by the missionary Isabella Trotter.


Don't forget to get your copy of BIBLE LESSONS FROM NATURE. Great stories for leisure reading on the weekends :-). Good lessons for kids and teens too :-)


Sunday, April 9, 2023



Yesterday God blessed me with an unexpected check for $773. Apparently, the medical people decided that I should get a refund for two warranties I bought on my hearing aids, one back in 2020 and one in 2022. I had no idea that they were going to refund me until the check just showed up in the mail, and of course I thanked God for the extra money. This past year, with less income now than when I was working, I have learned in the practical realm what it means to trust God for my finances, and He has surprised me many times over with this kind of cash coming in from unusual sources. It’s fun to know God as El Shaddai, the Lord of more than enough.


This title, El Shaddai, is first used in Genesis 17:1 “And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the Lord appeared to Abram, and said unto him, ‘I am the Almighty God [El Shaddai]; walk before me, and be thou perfect.’” The Hebrew word translated “perfect” means “upright, complete, whole, healthful, wholesome, having integrity, unimpaired and in accordance with truth.”


In the next verse God says to Abraham: “And I will make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly.” Since Abraham didn’t have any children at the time, this was a huge promise God was giving him!


Verse 3: “And Abram fell on his face: and God talked with him.” I think we need to do more of this falling on our faces before God. Many of us need to stop right now doing what we’re doing in the religious realm and go to a place where we are totally alone with our maker.


It was when Abram fell on his face before God alone that God “talked with him”. And isn’t that what we want? God to talk to us? Abram didn’t go to his friends, his pastor, his wife, or his writings (if he had any). He fell on his face before God, and God talked with him. Then God told him an amazing thing: “And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee.” We are told in the epistles that we are the seed of Abraham today, and the blessing of El Shaddai on Abraham is ours today, through Jesus Christ.


On this resurrection Sunday, we fall on our faces before our God. We have to honestly confess that we cannot do this thing called life without God’s help and if we try, we fail more often than we succeed.


God gave us His only begotten son, Jesus, who also willingly gave his life to God, so that God could once again claim us as His own, taking us back into His arms and away from the god of this world, the devil. When we willingly surrender all we are to God, and that means our bodies and our souls and our spirit – everything we are now belongs to God, and that’s a very very good thing! He knows how to take care of us better than anyone else, including ourselves. God is gracious, merciful, forgiving, and sometimes challenging and confrontational, but always loving and always good.


God started my Resurrection Day early and was El Shaddai for me yesterday—no Easter egg, but $733. He blessed me and made me laugh, and I trust Him even more. I confess my surrendering all to God and to my Lord Jesus Christ and I’m so thankful to receive their love, and yours too.


Love, Carolyn


Sunday, April 2, 2023



Jane and I waited for the last bus out of downtown Johannesburg, South Africa. We had just moved there from the States to do missionary work, so I had my passport with me in a large purse I carried at my side. It was dusk, and we were getting anxious to get back to our friends’ house before nightfall. The bus should have been there already.


I was starting to worry, “Did we miss it?” Jane answered, “I don’t think so, but maybe the buses don’t run regularly, so I don’t really know.” We waited longer. We were the only ones waiting, which made it scarier because we didn’t have anyone to ask. What we did next was really foolish.


Our impatience prompted us to move. We went down the street to another bus stop closer in the direction of home. We waited there impatiently until we couldn’t take it anymore, and we moved down the street again. We did this three times, getting further and further away from the more populated area. The sun was going down, and we were getting more worried now—new country, unfamiliar ways, alone on an empty street, and no bus in sight. Then Jane spotted a young black African man coming our way.


He got about halfway down the block and bolted toward us. Jane had seen him, but all I saw was a blur.  She jumped in front of me, grabbing me with both arms around the middle as I clutched my purse to my chest. The guy hesitated, then ran past us a ways. He stopped and continued walking slowly down the street as if nothing unusual had happened.


Jane gently loosened her grip on me, and I relaxed my clenched fists, but my heart was still racing and we were both hyperventilating. When we settled down and started to breathe a little easier, in quivering voices we begged God to get the bus there soon.


It pulled up in just a few minutes—the very last bus leaving the city. For the next three years of living in Johannesburg, we stayed much more alert and aware of our surroundings and prayed about everything.


God wasn’t the one who told us to move down to the next bus stop. We should have just stayed where we were, but we let impatience manipulate us into trouble.


How often has each of us acted impatiently, recklessly setting out in a direction of our own choosing, without consulting the Lord? Proverbs 21:2 tells us: “Every way of a man is right in his own eyes.” But Luke 21:19 tells us: “In your patience possess ye your souls.” Patience stops to ask for the Lord’s input and acts deliberately, not foolishly.


My impatience nearly got my purse, my money, and my passport stolen. Impatience gets us to make mistakes, waste time, get into arguments, and so many other things that we’re sorry for later. Proverbs 20: 22 tells us: “Wait on the Lord, and he shall save thee.” One crucial way He saves us is to give us His wisdom. So don’t be fretful and hasty like we were. Wait on the Lord.


Love, Carolyn