Sunday, August 31, 2014


Research in Quantum Mechanics has shown that an electron or a photon of light existing in a wave form changes into a particle form when observed. The remarkable double slit experiment studied the nature of subatomic phenomena. A photon of light was to pass through two slits. When it was not observed, it acted like a wave. But when it was observed, it acted like a particle.

This is very much like how the Holy Spirit communicates with us. Wisdom from the Holy Spirit is all around us in wave-like quality, ethereal, and we just don’t quite grab it. But when we observe these peripheral thoughts they become like the particles: clear, substantial and real enough to affect our lives and way of thinking.

To bring that Holy Spirit knowledge or wisdom into our reality we have to look outside the 9 dots of our own finite minds. I’ve often found revelations from the Holy Spirit literally floating at the edges of my peripheral vision.

I can be going along in my own thoughts and all wound up in work or people’s problems or any number of other things, but I just know that there’s something else I’m supposed to see.

The Lord wants us to look outside of the box. Originally the phrase “thinking outside the box” comes from the popular “nine dots” puzzle. I’ll show you. Here’s the 9 dots:
.         .         .
.         .         .
.         .         .

The goal of the puzzle is to link all 9 dots using four straight lines or fewer, without lifting the pen and without going over the same line more than once. (One solution is at the bottom of this article. The key is to go beyond the boundaries to link all dots in 4 straight lines.)

Thinking only within our limited frame of mind reminds me of a funny story Brian told me the other day. I asked him about his new glasses and he told me the ones he had before were super fancy, all the bells and whistles, all the special features, and everything. When he went to the store excited to get his new glasses, he put them on and he hated them. He found that the frames were way too small and he didn’t like seeing only through that little space. So he had to send them back.

Isaiah 54:2 says: “Enlarge the place of thy tent, and let them stretch forth the curtains of thine habitations: spare not, lengthen thy cords, and strengthen thy stakes.” I think we can take that metaphorically, as well as 1Chronicles 4:10, which says: “Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me!”

I think one of the biggest Holy Spirit blockers is that our minds are too full of other stuff and we get preoccupied with it all. We need to find a way to ease our minds, slow down the frenzy so that we can even begin to look to the side for the things of the Spirit.

Everyone will find their own way to do this. Some people speak in tongues to calm their minds. Some take a hot bath. Others do deep breathing exercises, or tapping, or other forms of exercise or yoga. I’m sure you can think of at least one thing you can do that works for you. And if not, pray for the Lord to show you. “If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it” (John 14:14).

Some friends have told me their best time for hearing from the Holy Spirit is in the morning somewhere between sleeping and being awake. I tend to agree. But Holy Spirit’s message sometimes just hangs there at the edge for days or even weeks until I’m calm enough to realize it’s there and then I turn to observe. The results are always great.

The Holy Spirit took a world that “was without form [worthless, confused] and void [empty, ruin],” renewed it and made it beautiful. If He could renew a whole world, He can renew you and me.

There are so many other wonderful things the Holy Spirit does for us. Only a few are listed here:
H    Helping us in weakness (Rom 8:26)
 2.      Gives us joy ( Luke 10:21NIV)
3.      Strengthens and encourages us (Acts 9:31NIV)
4.      Comforts us (John 14:16)
5.      Loves us (Rom 15:13)
6.      Reveals truth to us (John 16:3NIV)
7.      Teaches us and reminds us of things we once knew (John 14:26)
8.      Searches the deep things of God and reveals them to us (1 Cor 2:10)

It’s so worth it to look outside a small frame of mind and outside the 9 dots of carnal thinking. Let’s look rather to the truths He puts in our peripheral vision. What I’ve described above to the best of my ability is just one of the ways the Holy Spirit works with me. If He works with you in the same way, I wanted you to be able to recognize it. However, it is by no means the only way He works.

Love, Carolyn

Here’s one solution to 9 dot puzzle:

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Sunday, August 24, 2014


Jane and I were sitting by the open sliding glass door at the back of the house. Usually when we hear sirens or see the lights flashing from a police car, we peer through the window, and we don’t go out. But this time was different. It wasn’t that we heard the audible voice of God or something spectacular urging us to get out the front door, but we both got up together and went out.

When we got outside there were two cop cars, two K-9 units and two more police cars turning into the street. The two giant dogs were already out of the vans and on my lawn.

“Ladies, go back in the house.”

“But our back door is wide open.”

“Then stay out in the front by the sidewalk.”

“Ok, sir. What’s going on?”

He ignored my question and answered with his own, “Ma’am, is the gate to the backyard locked?”
I started to go around to unlock it but he stretched out his arm and put up his hand to block me. I backed quickly out to the sidewalk where Jane was, just in time to see this huge furry beast of a dog glide over my wall into the back yard. I ran over, “I have a little Peanut dog back there,” but it was too late. The police dog was already over. I didn’t hear Peanut squealing, so I was praying that he ran back inside the house. Within seconds the police dog flew back over the fence and took off right past us and around to the other side of the yard and began barking at a bush in the corner of my property.

I overheard one of the police radios, “medium-height white female.”

All the guns came out of their holsters and were pointed at the oleander bush at the side of my yard. At the sight of guns, Jane and I ducked behind one of the cars on the street, like you see on TV. A young white female, medium build in t-shirt and jeans crawled out from under the bush, stood up and turned around with her hands at her back toward the policeman. She was docile and way too familiar with this position. I figured she must have done this before. They cuffed her and put her in the back of one of the patrol cars. 

I remember thinking, She doesn’t really look dangerous, but she was determined enough and strong enough to jump over two five foot walls so I’m really glad we weren’t there when she went by our open door!

Then one of the officers asked if he could search my back yard. “We’re looking to see if she dropped anything back there.” He already had a full letter envelope in his hand and was leafing through its contents—money I suspected.

My sprinkler on the side yard was going full blast the whole time right where her hiding place was. So after the girl was put in the patrol car, the one cop gave me this look and I said, “Okay, I’m turning off the sprinkler now.” I didn’t have a chance to do it before because the police had us out on the street. The girl must have gotten soaking wet.

They found her purse tucked under the oleander bush where she was hiding. We figured she’d robbed someone or maybe even a store, but we never really found out.

The Lord was watching out for us and got us out of our house just in the nick of time. Like He promised, “Lo, I am with you always” (Matt 28:20). Psalm 32:7 says, “Thou shalt preserve me from trouble.” The longer I live, the more I learn to just trust Him with my life.

I could have been telling a very different story if we had stayed sitting by the opened glass door when the girl was trying to escape. But once again, Jesus was right there with us and God’s timing is always perfect. 

I love it when that happens. He’s there to keep you from harm too.

Love, Carolyn

I’m offering a FREE PDF file of any of my WINGS sample books (A-H). Here’s where to find them:

Just e-mail me at with your choice and I’ll send it out.

Sunday, August 17, 2014


Statistics tell us for every “successful” suicide there are 25 failed attempts. I thank God I was one of the failed ones.

It was my first year in college and I was miserable. I felt like my dog Skunky was the only one who loved me. I’d slept with my best friend’s boyfriend and really hurt her. My mind was so messed up that I honestly didn’t think she’d really care and it shocked me when she got angry and confronted me. I was so lonely and distraught. I didn’t realize how out of touch I was with real life and anything of importance. My heart ached and shriveled up deep within me. I was a Bible-reading Christian but I just couldn’t seem to do anything right. I made up my mind that everyone would be better off if I was dead.

I hitchhiked out to Bolinas Beach where, in the high tide, the waves crash up against the sharp vertical wall of rock at the edge of the beach. I wrapped myself in a thin wool blanket with Skunky at my side and fell asleep, expecting the waves to cover me and take my life.

The tide never came in far enough to drown me. When I woke from a very long sleep it was dark and I was cold, itchy and clammy, not from the ocean, but from the thick wet fog and gritty sand that got in my hair and stuck to my skin. I picked up my blanket and my dog and walked back up to the little beachside village and hitched a ride home.

God rescued me from suicide when my mind was so insane I hadn’t even thought about the fact I’d be killing my sweet dog. My head just wasn’t right at all. No sudden miracle but things did start to change little by little and my mind began to heal. I stumbled many times and it was a rocky path to the truth and a more sane way of thinking. I can’t say that I’ve never experienced depression and thoughts of death since that time but I was never tempted by suicide again and I thank God for that.

With the recent death of a great American talent, Robin Williams, we’ve seen how far-reaching the devastation can be when someone leaves us by way of suicide. I don’t think we realize just how many people we influence in our lives. We’ve all had a good uplifting impact on many more people than we’re aware of. And we need to keep it up.

In light of the current state of affairs which includes horrendous atrocities against children in Iraq, horrific political decisions, the pressures of work and the pressures of not having work, the realities of ageing, the death of family and friends, our own personal failures, and so many other things, it’s hard not to get depressed and want to give up hope. One person can only do so much, right? But God needs us to keep hope alive.

With God there is always an answer, always a way to get through things and a way to make things better. And each little thing we do is important. Never give up. People need you and love you. God knows your name and so do many others. You are important and every day you live is valuable to others who will be blessed by you in the future.

I pray the devil spirit of suicide never comes near you and if it does, that God rescues you like He did me.

Love, Carolyn


Sunday, August 10, 2014


1972. We went to hang out at the same little restaurant every morning before work. We stayed long enough for me to drink four cups of coffee, devour runny over-easy eggs with toast and catch up on some local gossip. In that same little restaurant I caught hepatitis A. The whites of my eyes turned sickly yellow and I was messed up.

At the time, I had enrolled in a Bible research class. I really didn’t feel like going that night because I had a fever and was exhausted from the hepatitis. But my brother Mark talked me into it and I showed up. I learned about the healing power in the name of Jesus Christ and I believed.

After class Mark prayed for me and ministered healing to me. The same week I went back to the doctor’s office and he read my blood test. I was completely and miraculously healed of hepatitis—no yellow jaundice, no more signs of it ever being there.

I can tell you of other healing miracles I’ve experienced myself, seen in people I’ve ministered to or seen in others who’ve dared to believe.

I personally know God as the healer. I am the Lord that healeth thee” (Ex 15:26). “I will take sickness away from the midst of thee” (Ex 23:25). I’ve slipped up enough in my believing for healing and that’s why it’s so important to refresh ourselves in the scriptures—so we don’t let the world take us down in despair and unbelief.

“Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people” (Matt 4:23). Jesus sent his disciples out to do the same and He sends us out today too. He has not changed his mind about healing. “And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease” (Matt 10:1). We are His disciples today and we need to be healing people.

It’s not God’s will that anyone die before his or her time. Psalm 91:16 says, “With long life will I satisfy him.” After Noah’s flood, it’s available to live 120 years if we want to (Gen 6:3). So much wisdom and knowledge is lost because people die too early.

God created everything in the universe. The atoms and even tiniest electrons are constantly moving. Holy Spirit can move any atoms in or out of our bodies for healing. God’s power, the power demonstrated by the Lord Jesus, His disciples and His followers is just as real today as it was in Bible times.

Dodie Osteen was diagnosed with liver cancer in 1981. The doctors told her there was nothing more they could do. She went home and looked up verses in the Bible on healing and started to say them. Sure she got discouraged at times but she didn’t give up and she’s still alive and well today. It’s now 33 years since her diagnosis and she has no signs of cancer.

Satan will not stop attacking people with the threats of death, pain and suffering. It’s hard to grasp the truths of miraculous healing if we are bombarded and surrounded with disease and death. When Peter was walking on water he was doing great until he looked at the storm around him. The Bible says he began to sink (Luke 5). Jesus helped him and how do you think he got back to the boat? I think Jesus lifted him up and they both walked back on the water.

We can have miraculous healing in our lives, but we will have to keep looking at the truth of God’s Word or we will begin to sink into unbelief. Satan isn’t going to help us to see true miraculous healing. We have to search it out ourselves. There’s plenty of counterfeits out there in spiritualism and the occult, but I’m talking about true Biblical, lasting, Godly miracles. If you aren’t seeing them in your church, that’s a shame, but with the computer, we all have access to finding examples of true healings. They shouldn’t be an unusual event in our churches or in our lives. They really should be the norm like in the gospels.

If miraculous healing isn’t in our lives, we need to look again at Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and the book of Acts and the Epistles. We can go on-line to read about true healing, not the paranormal, new age or science fiction, but true healing through the power of the living Lord Jesus Christ. Holy Spirit helps us know the difference. Miracles of healing take place a lot more often than we think, if we’re only willing to look in the right places.

If you’ve seen or experienced too much pain or seen too much death, I understand you may have a hard time believing in miraculous healing for yourself or loved ones. No guilt. God understands. But if you just can’t see yourself believing in it, at least teach your children the truth about God’s healing. If you are a Christian, you owe that to them. It’s only fair. Kids will believe the truth faster and more completely. And it may just be that in teaching them, you will begin to believe yourself.

There are scriptures in the Bible for every part of the body, from joints to hearts to nerves and everything in between.

Remember, the only really good thing about sickness or disease is getting over it!

Love you, Carolyn

Today and tomorrow download for FREE: WINGS SAMPLE BOOK G: Spiritual Eyes. It includes great true stories such as OUR SPIRITUAL FIVE SENSES, GOD’S SPIRIT TOUCHES OUR SPIRIT, NO GLASS CEILINGS and more. Here’s the link:

Sunday, August 3, 2014


Lightening, thunder, wind, rain in sheets and big drops. 15 minutes of torrential rain blowing hard in every direction, then done. That’s our typical summer storm here in Las Vegas and we had one on Sunday evening.

The next day I came home from shopping, got out of my car and walked across the lawn toward the new water dish I put out for the wild birds. I wanted to see if the rain had filled it up. I looked down and there in front of the dish was a neatly folded $100 dollar bill. My instinct was to look around quickly to see if anyone was looking for it, but there was no one around. I picked it up and put it into my pocket. I’ve picked up pennies and even quarters, but never a $100 bill. I smiled ear to ear.

Someone must have lost it in the storm, but no one was coming around to claim it. And I found it just in time, because a few minutes later my lawn guys came and they would have either found and kept the money, or chopped it up in a million little pieces in the lawn mower.

I tried to figure out why God would drop me the $100 but I couldn’t connect it to anything at all. I don’t believe in coincidence. Saying something is a coincidence is man’s attempt to explain away what he has no control over. I tried to tie it to some good deed, but everything I could think of fell flat and God wasn’t talking. It wasn’t until 2 days later that I understood.

I was buying dog food and bought Peanut, my new rescue dog, a little dog shirt just because I love the little guy and I thought he’d like it. Then it dawned on me that my $100 bill had come to me simply the same way. He gave it to me just because He loves me and He thought I’d like it. And He was right. I liked it a lot. God’s love is a gift.

We receive God’s grace, not just because we are desperate, or because we pray so hard or any of those other religious things we do. We can pray and believe and fast and a lot of other things, but then there’s the extra blessings God sends “just because He wants to.”

God can drop His grace on us when we least expect it. It can happen anytime, anywhere, without us doing a doggone thing.

God told Moses, “I will make all my goodness pass before thee, and I will proclaim the name of the Lord before thee; and will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will shew mercy on whom I will shew mercy” (Exodus 33:19).

All I can say now is, “God keep it up and thank you so much!”

Love, Carolyn